28 May 2015


To explore the Taipei MRT passenger count dataset and look for any patterns or outliers.

The data

  1. Taipei MRT passenger count dataset.
  2. Taipei MRT information.

Data Processing

  1. Load data files. Use a custom loader to deal with asynchronous loading. This loader accepts an array of urls and loads them one by one. When all files are loaded, the loader will fire a dataLoaded event, then move on to data processing.
var csv = d3.dsv(",", "text/csv; charset=big5"); //Dataset contains chinese characters.
MultiDataLoader.prototype = Object.create(EventTarget.prototype, {
	startLoading : {
		value : function(){
			var dataurl = this.__url[this.__fileLoadedCount];
			csv(dataurl, function(d){
		enumerable : true
	fileLoaded : {
		value : function(d){
			this.__fileLoadedCount ++;			
			if(this.__fileLoadedCount === this.__fileCount){
					new DataLoadedEvent(d)
		enumerable : true

Data processing

The main dataset is an array of objects which represent MRT stations.
1. First, extract the list of stations and create station object for each item in the list.
2. Then assign the basic information such as line, id, etc, to the station name.
3. The passenger count data will be an object like this.

passengerCount = {
	2015-04-01:{in: 5000, out:5000},
	2015-04-02:{in: 4000, out:4000},


  1. Use different stroke style to represent passenger-in and passenger-out.
  2. Use color to represent the MRT lines.
  3. The size of circle represent the passenger count.
  4. On mouseover, display the count number and the average on the top-left corner.

Check the result in full screen.

Source code


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